Before your tattoo appointment

  • Hydrate

    Leading up to your appointment, make sure you are drinking water and staying hydrated!

    Hydrated Skin = Better Healing

  • Blood Thinners

    Avoid blood thinning medications and alcoholic drinks 48hrs before your appointment.

  • Fill up

    Make sure you’re not coming on an empty stomach. Eat before your appointment.

  • Arrival

    It’s almost tattoo time! Plan to arrive at least 5min early to fill out paperwork. Don’t forget to bring your I.D.

  • Dress accordingly

    Be mindful of the placement of your tattoo and dress accordingly.

After your tattoo appointment

  • Keep it clean

    Gently wash your new tattoo once a day with a gentle, antiseptic soap. Pat dry, and gently apply a thin layer of ointment.

  • avoid

    Avoid using fake tan and scented soaps and lotions for 2 weeks.

  • No soaking

    Do not soak in a bath or hot tub and no swimming for 2 weeks.

  • No picking

    Your new tattoo may be itchy and scab up. This is a normal part of the healing process. Do not scratch or pick at your tattoo. If you are itchy, try tapping the area instead of scratching.

  • Tegaderm

    If you got your tattoo covered with tegaderm, you can leave it on for up to 5 days. Avoid any sweat or water collecting under tegaderm. If this happens, remove tegaderm. Ink and plasma may collect under tegaderm and create an ink bubble, this is normal. When it’s time to remove tegaderm, gently remove it under running water.